Hello there everyone!
Today I'm going to be wrapping up my Bra series with Part 3. Here is how to find your perfect bra size and a guide to different bra styles (Part 1) and some tips for shopping and shops for the non-mainstream bra (Part 2).
In Part 3 I'm going to be discussing some tips that I have collected over the years in dealing with non-mainstream sized boobs
There will always be people that don't understand and belittle your plight
Always. I can't decide whether my least favourite is the 'Oh no, such a terrible ailment, you have big boobs, that's such a hardship' (super sarcastic voice) type or the 'yeah right, I don't believe you. I think you're lying - they don't even make bras in that size' type. Thankfully, these people are pretty easy to deal with. To be honest, your best bet is probably to just ignore them, because they are never going to understand and you're only going to get angry with them if you try. But, if you want to retort, here are some options.
For the first type, you could always try something like 'Well, when you put it like that, I suppose they aren't such a problem. I mean, there is the neck and the shoulder pain and not being able to buy cheap bras or swimsuits. And the issue of halternecks giving me a headache. And not being able to wear strapless dresses. And the problem of being constantly sexualised, all the time. But nah, you're probably right. I guess they aren't a problem after all.'
Or something like 'Oops you got me. (sheepish smile) They aren't a problem at all. In fact, they are amazing at getting me whatever I want. I can use these to make the mankind succumb to my every whim and desire. The magazines are right - big boobs are better!!' (happy smile while boob jiggling for effect)
For the second type just shove your boobs in their face and yell 'Are they real now?! Do you still think I'm lying?!?!?!' In my experience, this has a 98% success rate of getting them to shut up and leave you alone. Or course, it may also lead to assault charges and possible murder charges on death by boob suffocation, depending on how big your chesticles are.
There will always be people that 'totally understand' due to their similar problems
These ones are a little harder to deal with because often they come across in an empathetic, sister-in-arms sort of way. Except not. I'm sorry, but you can't empathise on how difficult it is to have large boobs if your boobs are anything less than a D cup. By the way, this totally happened to my sister, who is also rather well-endowed and this girl kept going on about how she knew exactly what she was feeling. When questioned for her size, the girl was a 10C. Not really empathetic material there. Also, I don't mean to exclude people and when I talk about busty girls, I use the same definition Paige 'Rampaige' Halsey of Busty Girl Comics uses: [buhs-tee] if you ever feel encumbered by your chest (if they get in your way, make you feel awkward, cause problems, or even create some perks), you’re busty. There is no “busty line” where one size is busty and the next isn’t. Bustiness is entirely a matter of personal experience.
But anyway, sometimes I just need to vent about how hard it is to find bras in a 6J and having somebody empathise with me about their 10C search problems just isn't going to cut it.
On the flip side, there are also going to be those that are of the 'well I can find bras in my size so I'm sure there are heaps of bras in your size if you look in the right places' variety. Again, I don't want to belittle your troubles in anyway, but finding 14GG bras is, while not that easy, a damn lot easier than finding 6J's. I just find this type very patronising and condescending, which I hate, so maybe that's why I dislike it so much.
They will always be people that will judge you more for your clothing choices because you have a large rack
They just will. And it sucks but we just have to let the comments go and move on. And don't let other people and their stupid views dictate what you want to wear. You have just as much right to wear a plunge top as anybody else and also, don't let anyone tell you that you can't go braless. While it's not the most comfortable option for me, if it is for you then you let it all hang out and do your stuff sans bra.
There will be times when you really hate having a large chest
And that's totally cool. Don't let other people tell you that you should be happy/thankful/shamed/guilty etc for having big boobs. You are allowed to wallow and hate the things for how cumbersome and annoying they can be.
There will be times when you really love having large chesticles
And that is just as cool. You can totally get all up in there and flaunt what you got. Wear more most daring and most revealing shirts because you're awesome and your boobs look hot.
Clothes shopping is always going to be difficult
Just accept that and move on. :)
Bather shopping is going to be more difficult
And when you find that wonderful pair of department store bathers that actually fit you, hoard them! Buy multiple pairs if you really like them. Because the times when I can find bathers that fit for under $40 are few and far between. I hoard those experiences like they the rare gems that they are. Also, if you are in the habit of wearing bikinis, always check the end of season sales for bather bottoms. Even if you can't fit into the tops, at least you can get some cute bottoms!
No matter what size/shape/weight/anything you are, there will never be anyone that suffers the same way as you
For me, I think this is probably the most important point of them all. Everybody, no matter how busty/non busty, will have slightly different problems and so don't expect anyone to fully understand. Your plight is completely unique and just as important whether you are a 8A or a 10HH or a 30C. On that note, remember that about others as well and don't belittle their problems either!
And I think that just about wraps things up. If you have any other tips/stories/anything relating to boobies at all, please share them in the comments! I would really love to hear them!
I hope you enjoyed this series and learned a bit about bras and boobs and stuff and even if you didn't learn anything, I hope you enjoyed it anyway. And I will leave you with this great video of 17 Problems that Busty Girls Face. :)
Today I'm going to be wrapping up my Bra series with Part 3. Here is how to find your perfect bra size and a guide to different bra styles (Part 1) and some tips for shopping and shops for the non-mainstream bra (Part 2).
In Part 3 I'm going to be discussing some tips that I have collected over the years in dealing with non-mainstream sized boobs
There will always be people that don't understand and belittle your plight
Always. I can't decide whether my least favourite is the 'Oh no, such a terrible ailment, you have big boobs, that's such a hardship' (super sarcastic voice) type or the 'yeah right, I don't believe you. I think you're lying - they don't even make bras in that size' type. Thankfully, these people are pretty easy to deal with. To be honest, your best bet is probably to just ignore them, because they are never going to understand and you're only going to get angry with them if you try. But, if you want to retort, here are some options.
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From Busty Girl Comics |
Or something like 'Oops you got me. (sheepish smile) They aren't a problem at all. In fact, they are amazing at getting me whatever I want. I can use these to make the mankind succumb to my every whim and desire. The magazines are right - big boobs are better!!' (happy smile while boob jiggling for effect)
For the second type just shove your boobs in their face and yell 'Are they real now?! Do you still think I'm lying?!?!?!' In my experience, this has a 98% success rate of getting them to shut up and leave you alone. Or course, it may also lead to assault charges and possible murder charges on death by boob suffocation, depending on how big your chesticles are.
There will always be people that 'totally understand' due to their similar problems
These ones are a little harder to deal with because often they come across in an empathetic, sister-in-arms sort of way. Except not. I'm sorry, but you can't empathise on how difficult it is to have large boobs if your boobs are anything less than a D cup. By the way, this totally happened to my sister, who is also rather well-endowed and this girl kept going on about how she knew exactly what she was feeling. When questioned for her size, the girl was a 10C. Not really empathetic material there. Also, I don't mean to exclude people and when I talk about busty girls, I use the same definition Paige 'Rampaige' Halsey of Busty Girl Comics uses: [buhs-tee] if you ever feel encumbered by your chest (if they get in your way, make you feel awkward, cause problems, or even create some perks), you’re busty. There is no “busty line” where one size is busty and the next isn’t. Bustiness is entirely a matter of personal experience.
But anyway, sometimes I just need to vent about how hard it is to find bras in a 6J and having somebody empathise with me about their 10C search problems just isn't going to cut it.
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From Busty Girl Comics |
They will always be people that will judge you more for your clothing choices because you have a large rack
They just will. And it sucks but we just have to let the comments go and move on. And don't let other people and their stupid views dictate what you want to wear. You have just as much right to wear a plunge top as anybody else and also, don't let anyone tell you that you can't go braless. While it's not the most comfortable option for me, if it is for you then you let it all hang out and do your stuff sans bra.
There will be times when you really hate having a large chest
And that's totally cool. Don't let other people tell you that you should be happy/thankful/shamed/guilty etc for having big boobs. You are allowed to wallow and hate the things for how cumbersome and annoying they can be.
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From Busty Girl Comics |
And that is just as cool. You can totally get all up in there and flaunt what you got. Wear more most daring and most revealing shirts because you're awesome and your boobs look hot.
Clothes shopping is always going to be difficult
Just accept that and move on. :)
Bather shopping is going to be more difficult
And when you find that wonderful pair of department store bathers that actually fit you, hoard them! Buy multiple pairs if you really like them. Because the times when I can find bathers that fit for under $40 are few and far between. I hoard those experiences like they the rare gems that they are. Also, if you are in the habit of wearing bikinis, always check the end of season sales for bather bottoms. Even if you can't fit into the tops, at least you can get some cute bottoms!
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$30 bargain from Best and Less. From my instagram |
For me, I think this is probably the most important point of them all. Everybody, no matter how busty/non busty, will have slightly different problems and so don't expect anyone to fully understand. Your plight is completely unique and just as important whether you are a 8A or a 10HH or a 30C. On that note, remember that about others as well and don't belittle their problems either!
And I think that just about wraps things up. If you have any other tips/stories/anything relating to boobies at all, please share them in the comments! I would really love to hear them!
I hope you enjoyed this series and learned a bit about bras and boobs and stuff and even if you didn't learn anything, I hope you enjoyed it anyway. And I will leave you with this great video of 17 Problems that Busty Girls Face. :)
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