A little apology and Christmas Nail Art Challenge - Day 1

Sunday 1 December 2013

Hello there everyone!

Sorry about last week. I was away on holiday (yes, I had a lovely time, thank you for asking) and I thought that I would have access to internet - although, when I think about it, it seems quite obviously that I probably wouldn't.... Oh well. I'm back now and just in time for day 1 of the Christmas Nail Art challenge - Christmas tree. I'm sorry about my lack of creativity in this one - I was on a bus for about 9 hours today and so was feeling less than enthusiastic about this challenge. But I will forge ahead anyway and push forward through my exhaustion. :)

For these I used OPI's My Boyfriend Scales Walls (white), Mode's Eco Warrior (green), Revlon's Silver Dollar (silver) and some rhinestones I found at my local $2 store.

You can check out the designs over at Nailed It NZ. Please do, they are all much better than mine. They're a bit pathetic really but they are all I have at the moment. I promise I will do better next time, which is wrapping paper/presents. Also, it's still not too late to climb on board - it will be fun. :)


  1. I like that you have white background. Nice trees :)

    1. Why thank you. Those trees were very difficult, as one can imagine. ;)


  2. Hey! Nothing pathetic about the design really. Looking forward to your next one

    1. I'm glad I have somebodies support. :) Although, actually looking at them in the light of day (and not by the light of my computer screen at 10:30 at night, just wanting to go to sleep) I don't think they are too bad either. :) I am also looking forward to the next one - call me shallow, but presents are one of my favourite things about Christmas. :)



Getting, reading and replying to your comments make my day, so please go and and tell me your thoughts.