Hi lovelies,
This post is going to be a hard one and one that you may not
want to read about. In staying true to my policy of being truthful, I am going
to be tackling the topic of my depression and namely, my methods of dealing
with it. (On a sidenote, did you see my alliterations in that sentence? So many
Mental health is an interesting topic for me. It was never
discussed inside my house, I never knew anyone that had an issue with mental
health and all I knew about it was what they taught us in year 10 health.
That’s was, until I was plunged head-long into it in yr 11, aged 16, with
depression, anxiety and anorexia. I discuss my anorexia here and most of you
probably know I’m in recovery from it. My anxiety is far milder than the others
and generally only becomes bad when the others are also bad but my depression –
that’s something I don’t mention much.