Hi lovelies,
I have just a short post for you today.
I thought that it is high time for me to get back into painting my nails excessively with crazy designs now that my nail course is nearly over. I have to say, that is one thing that I am veeery glad about, the fact that my poor little nails no longer have product on and off and on and off of them. In the last 8 weeks, they have have 2 and a half sets of acrylics, one set of gels and two manicures - one including a paraffin soak that my nails did not like at all! Not that I really begrudge it - the knowledge I have gained from this course far outweighs the cost of some broken, short and very much weakened nails.
I've tried to stay away from doing too much polish/nail art over the term of my course, just because my poor nails felt so tired between classes that I didn't want to out any pressure on them at all. And, of course, I rediscovered how much I don't like having naked nails. Seriously. I just hate the feel of nails without anything on them. I don't know what it is, they just gross me out (okay, I'm a little weird).
But, nail painting is back is session and oh my gosh I have so many things I want to try. I think you guys will be seeing a lot of nail art in the next week or so. :)
Anyway, today's nails I chose because it is really, really hot here in Australia and I was hoping that having storms on my nails would, I don't know, make me less hot? That makes no sense, I know, but the heat is addling my brain.
For these I used Black Satin (pictured) by Ulta3 (black), an unknown blue by Models Own, Good to Grape by Sally Hansen Complete Manicure (purple) and My Boyfriend Scales Walls by OPI (white).
Also, is it bad that when I went snorkelling today with my dad, all I could focus on was how the water made the blue seem really holographic and super-pretty? Although, to be honest, the snorkelling was really bad, we saw mostly tiny fish (although they were kind of holographic as well) and only a couple of schools of bigger fish. It was really sandy and way too choppy for decent snorkelling... But at least my nails looked pretty. :)
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