I found a bikini and watch me rock it!

Saturday 28 December 2013
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First full picture of me in aaaaaaaaages. I'm so proud of myself.

Hi lovelies,

So, following on from my previous post on bathers and bikinis (and steering away from the huge amounts of nail posts recently), I am proud to announce that I know have purchased one. Yay! While it is unfortunately not the one mentioned in the previous post, it is still pretty good. Or at least I think so.

Christmas Nail Art Challenge - Day 11

Friday 27 December 2013
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Woooo! Look at me go! Two posts in one day. :)

How about we ignore the fact that the only reason I'm posting two in one day is because I was so late in posting the first one of today..... That sound good?

Anyway, day 11 was Christmas sparkle and so I, of course had to do the bling-y-est Christmas nails I could think of. :) I was also excited to do this one because I got to use one of my (many) new nail polishes that I got for Christmas. :) Yay!

Anyway, this is what I came up with.

Christmas Nail Art Challenge - Day 10

Hello lovelies,

I hope you all had an excellent Christmas and if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a lovely day anyway. :) I had a really, really nice Christmas. We visited friends in Bunbury a couple of days beforehand, which was really nice, and then Christmas Day itself was very relaxing and low key. We went to the beach and had a brunch and generally kicked back and relaxed.

Anyway, because I was away and then I was feeling very relaxed, I am totally late with Day 10 of the 12 Days of Christmas Challenge. It was meant to be on the 24th.... Oh well.

The prompt was 'Santa and Friends' and I think that this one is potentially my favourite out of all of the challenges. Here it is...

Christmas Nail Challenge - Day 9

Friday 20 December 2013
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Hello lovelies,

Okay, so, I think this is becoming a habit. For each day of this challenge, I've come up with some great design, only to fall short at the execution of it... (Except for the presents, I really, really, liked those).

So, for the this prompt - Christmas decorations - you will get to see my right hand. Why, because my left hand turned out so horrific that there was no way I was going to post it. Mostly because I had red candles on the left hand and when I applied the top coat, the design was ruined... I need my new top coat. I've been using Poshe's Super Fast Drying Topcoat, which I get from here, and I really like it. Mostly because of the incredible drying time and I like the fact that it is 3-free. However, it ran out and I hadn't had the foresight to order a new one before then, so I've been using whatever's lying around, which, happens to be a Manicare Clear Coat that came as part of a French Manicure I got as a present once. Now I know that it is not suitable for nail art which is another strike against the kit. (I wouldn't recommend the kit).

Anyway, this is what I did in the end.

I went for candles because in my house, we have so many candles and all of them get lit at Christmas time. Also, Christmas time for me always has memories of sitting outside in the dark with only candles lighting the night while we talk tall evening.

I'm really sorry about the less than great photos - my photography with my left hand really needs improvement! :)

Check out the other's here.

For these, I used, OPI's 'My Boyfriend Scales Walls' (white), Mode's 'Blueberry' (blue), Chi Chi's 'Doris Day' (light yellow) and Ulta3's 'Honolulu' (darker yellow).

Christmas Nail Challenge - Day 8

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Hi all,

Being the 18th, it is time for Day 8 of the 12 Days of Christmas Nail Art Challenge.

Today's prompt was snow and this is what I came up with.

Christmas Nail Challenge - Day 7

Saturday 14 December 2013
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Hello lovelies,

Well, guess what? Today means that we have reached day 7 of the 12 Days of Christmas Nail Challenge. Yay! That means we are over half way through. While this challenge has been really fun and definitely something I would do again, I do feel my enthusiasm waning a little. It's hard to have to stick to a schedule of when I need to paint my nails - I'd rather just be allowed the freedom to do them when I want to. Although, saying that, I generally paint my nails every 2-3 days anyway. It's just occasionally that I really can't be bothered doing them. Today was an example of such.

Anyway, back on track, today's prompt was 'Inspired by a Christmas Movie'. I chose 'Sleepless in Seattle' , which might not be the most Christmassy of movies, but it was Christmassy enough for me. :)

This is what I came up with.

Some Science Behind Eating Disorders

Friday 13 December 2013
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Hi lovelies,

Lately, I've been feeling rather misunderstood. I feel often that I'm not taken very seriously by both my family and many people that I know. Recently, my mental stability has been teetering on the balance between 'Mostly Sane' and 'Fairly Unstable'. I feel a lot of this has had to do with the fact that my illness's that I struggle with are being undermined in their seriousness. While depression and anxiety are not too badly covered in today's society (although no where near as well as I'd like them to be covered), eating disorders are often and very badly understood. So I decided to pull together a little of the information I've learnt through my struggle with anorexia and maybe help you guys understand a little of the science behind these eating disorders - the actual brain chemistry.

People are often under the impression that eating disorders are a choice. That we choose to restrict, to purge and to over-exercise in the pursuit of our ‘perfect’ body. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve heard anorexia be called the ‘Rich White Girl’s Disease’. Not because a high percentage of anorexia sufferers happen to be white females from developed countries, but because it’s seen as a choice – a way to seek attention and gain recognition in our world.

Christmas Nail Art Challenge - Day 6

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Hello there beautiful people,

It's the 12th today and it was time for me to attempt 'Santa's List/Workshop'. I was not looking forward today - I was totally stumped as to what to do.

After much deliberation and many episodes of Torchwood, this is what I came up with.

Christmas Nail Art Challenge - Day 5

Monday 9 December 2013

Hello lovelies,

Today, it's time for day 5 of the 12 Days of Christmas Challenge. Today's prompt was 'Christmas Song/Carol'. My nails for today were inspired by a very non-traditional Christmas song by Owl City called The Christmas Song. You can hear it here, if you haven't heard it (I recommend it, it's a lovely song). These nails were particularly inspired by the line

'It's Christmas, and we are in love, with the way that the soft snowflakes kiss us'

Christmas Nail Art Challenge - Day 4

Saturday 7 December 2013

Hello to you all and how are you today?

Me, I am exceedingly tired as Midget, my younger sister, thought it would be an awesome idea to wake me up at 7:00 this morning so that I could watch Phineas and Ferb with her. Urgh... Okay, maybe I might have said the other week that she should wake me up so that I could watch it with her, but I didn't know it was at 7:00!

Anyway, for the 4th day of the 1 Days of Christmas Nail Art Challenge, the prompt was 'Christmas where you live'. I live in Australia and for me, Christmas conjures up visions of sun, heat, sand, the beach, flies, heat, heat and more heat. For me, if Christmas Day isn't over 38 degrees, something feels a little off. :)

So, in true summer fashion, these are my nails depicting Christmas where I live.

Christmas Day Art Challenge - Day 3

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Hello lovelies,

Today I'm back with Day 3 of the 12 Days of Christmas Nail Art Challenge. Today's theme was Christmas Candy and here is mine.

Christmas Nail Art Challenge - Day 2

Monday 2 December 2013

Hello lovelies,

Right, it's the 3rd of December, meaning it's time for day 2 of the Christmas Nail art challenge. Today's theme was wrapping paper/presents, and this is what I came up with.

10 Random Facts About Me

Hello lovelies,

Following in the spirit of Cassie at TheReluctant Femme and Jes at TheMilitant Baker, I have decided to do a 10 Random Facts about me post. I think this is a great idea because while blogging is great and the internet is fabulous, the problem is that with blogs, you often only see the bits of people that are relevant to their particular blog (make-up, nails, photography etc.). You don’t get to have those tiny insights and those little facts that really make a person a person, rather than a personality. Also, because I’m just nosy and I’m hoping that my 10 Random Facts post might inspire others to do the same and then I can satisfy the little sneak inside of me. :)

1. I am the oldest of four girls and I love it. I wouldn’t trade my spot as the oldest for anything. Being the oldest means I can watch and see my little sisters grow up – I can see the transition from baby to child to teenager and to adult. I love that.

2. I love to change my appearance. If I could have any superpower in the world, it would be to be able to change my appearance at will – to be a metamorphmagus. As I cannot, I have to rely on wigs, contacts and make-up (or at least, I would, if I could afford to buy it all).

Source here

A little apology and Christmas Nail Art Challenge - Day 1

Sunday 1 December 2013

Hello there everyone!

Sorry about last week. I was away on holiday (yes, I had a lovely time, thank you for asking) and I thought that I would have access to internet - although, when I think about it, it seems quite obviously that I probably wouldn't.... Oh well. I'm back now and just in time for day 1 of the Christmas Nail Art challenge - Christmas tree. I'm sorry about my lack of creativity in this one - I was on a bus for about 9 hours today and so was feeling less than enthusiastic about this challenge. But I will forge ahead anyway and push forward through my exhaustion. :)