Hi there everyone!
Believe it or not, but we have come to the end of 2014... Crazy right? I know its not the last day today, but I'm not sure when I'm going to get my New Year's nails up (or even do them) nor do I know what my schedule is going to be like tomorrow (I've been looking after a couple of kids for this week and their mother's work schedule is very prone to changing so I have no idea how long I'll be there), so I'm getting this post up a day early.
I love Christmas, I really do. I love the present buying and the present giving. I love being on holiday, I love spending time with my family, I love the food, I love the palpable excitement in the air, I love the heat, the swimming and the unique Christmas time that we have here in Australia. I just really love it. Although I thought this year was going to be a very trying time, due to having basically my whole family here, it actually went down really well and I really enjoyed it.
Face of Australia Liquid Liner
This isn't by any means a new purchase, but something I've rediscovered. I stopped using liquid liner for a while and instead I was using gel liner, but I recently discovered this liquid liner within my collection and I'd forgotten how good it actually is.
I had been coveting Taylor's latest album for months and finally got it as an early Christmas present! While I've only listened to it a couple of times, I really like it so far. I'm a huge fan of latest style of songs and really hope she keeps making more music like this.
Passenger's latest album Whispers was the other CD I received for Christmas and I love it also. It's an extremely different style to that of Taylor's, but while I love my pop music, I also really love the soothing, haunting quality of his voice and lyrics. I find the lyrics to be lovely, though a lot are very maudlin, and evocative.
I know this seems like a pretty weird addition to this list, but it's true. While I always love blogging (I wouldn't have one if I didn't love it), this and last month have been different. I've felt more inspired, more motivated and more enthused about my little blog. I finally found the motivation and courage to overhaul the look quite a lot and move over to a custom domain name (although the timing of that could have been a bit better). That's resulted in a much increased post count for November and December, in case you hadn't noticed, which has resulted in higher traffic and all together its just been a great two months for this little blog and it's little blogger.
Spud - The Madness Continues
I swear this isn't just going to be a post about what I got for Christmas (although it does feel a bit like it now). I read the first in this series by John van de Ruit about four-ish years ago and loved it. It was one of those books that says 'Warning: Side effects of reading include uncontrollable giggling and rolling around on the floor from laughing' which I didn't take seriously - I mean, who does? But honestly, it was one of the funniest books I have ever read. It was laugh out loud, uncontrollable snorts of laughter in public funny. It's written as the 1990 diary of John (Spud) Milton, a South African boy who starts his first year at boarding school and it should not be as funny as it is. But it is and I would recommend that everyone reads it. After the first, I was expecting the second book to be slightly less funny, but it wasn't. It was ridiculously, hilariously and stupidly funny. It was just as good as the first and I immediately went and ordered the rest of the series.
Banana Kong
Yes, this is a stupid little game for my phone and I really like it. I don't normally play a lot of games on my phone but this is one I can, and will, make an exception for. I don't want to think about how many hours I've spent trying to beat my high score and complete all the challenges. It's fun, okay?
And I think that just about sums up my favourites for this month. If you want to see what I was raving about last month, you can check that out here and have a happy New Year's Eve!

Believe it or not, but we have come to the end of 2014... Crazy right? I know its not the last day today, but I'm not sure when I'm going to get my New Year's nails up (or even do them) nor do I know what my schedule is going to be like tomorrow (I've been looking after a couple of kids for this week and their mother's work schedule is very prone to changing so I have no idea how long I'll be there), so I'm getting this post up a day early.
I love Christmas, I really do. I love the present buying and the present giving. I love being on holiday, I love spending time with my family, I love the food, I love the palpable excitement in the air, I love the heat, the swimming and the unique Christmas time that we have here in Australia. I just really love it. Although I thought this year was going to be a very trying time, due to having basically my whole family here, it actually went down really well and I really enjoyed it.
Face of Australia Liquid Liner
This isn't by any means a new purchase, but something I've rediscovered. I stopped using liquid liner for a while and instead I was using gel liner, but I recently discovered this liquid liner within my collection and I'd forgotten how good it actually is.
I had been coveting Taylor's latest album for months and finally got it as an early Christmas present! While I've only listened to it a couple of times, I really like it so far. I'm a huge fan of latest style of songs and really hope she keeps making more music like this.
Passenger's latest album Whispers was the other CD I received for Christmas and I love it also. It's an extremely different style to that of Taylor's, but while I love my pop music, I also really love the soothing, haunting quality of his voice and lyrics. I find the lyrics to be lovely, though a lot are very maudlin, and evocative.
I know this seems like a pretty weird addition to this list, but it's true. While I always love blogging (I wouldn't have one if I didn't love it), this and last month have been different. I've felt more inspired, more motivated and more enthused about my little blog. I finally found the motivation and courage to overhaul the look quite a lot and move over to a custom domain name (although the timing of that could have been a bit better). That's resulted in a much increased post count for November and December, in case you hadn't noticed, which has resulted in higher traffic and all together its just been a great two months for this little blog and it's little blogger.
Spud - The Madness Continues
I swear this isn't just going to be a post about what I got for Christmas (although it does feel a bit like it now). I read the first in this series by John van de Ruit about four-ish years ago and loved it. It was one of those books that says 'Warning: Side effects of reading include uncontrollable giggling and rolling around on the floor from laughing' which I didn't take seriously - I mean, who does? But honestly, it was one of the funniest books I have ever read. It was laugh out loud, uncontrollable snorts of laughter in public funny. It's written as the 1990 diary of John (Spud) Milton, a South African boy who starts his first year at boarding school and it should not be as funny as it is. But it is and I would recommend that everyone reads it. After the first, I was expecting the second book to be slightly less funny, but it wasn't. It was ridiculously, hilariously and stupidly funny. It was just as good as the first and I immediately went and ordered the rest of the series.
Banana Kong
Yes, this is a stupid little game for my phone and I really like it. I don't normally play a lot of games on my phone but this is one I can, and will, make an exception for. I don't want to think about how many hours I've spent trying to beat my high score and complete all the challenges. It's fun, okay?
And I think that just about sums up my favourites for this month. If you want to see what I was raving about last month, you can check that out here and have a happy New Year's Eve!
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