Hi my lovelies,
I'm sorry these are late getting up and I know that there's nothing more pathetic than an after the event contribution, but here they are - my slightly late Halloween nails.
I know there isn't really anything special about them and they were influenced by Cassie's, from the Reluctant Femme, but meh. They are what they are. I used Social climber by Chi Chi, My Boyfriend Scales Walls by OPI and Black Out by Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear.
And..... That's about it. I'm tired, I'm doing exams, I'm running on about 4 hours sleep and my ablity to think coherently is rapidly dimidhing. (As is my ability to spell, apparently). :)
I don't think I'll be around much for the next week or so, my final high school exams are on and I'm up to my ears in notes and books and essays and other such lovely stuff. :( So, I'll see you all on the other side, most likely, with lots more posts that actually contain proper spelling and grammer and stuff.
Lots of love,
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