Best Pancakes Ever

Friday, 23 August 2013

I was talking to my friend the other day and I found out that she had never had pancakes made from scratch. Never ever… How is that even possible?! Pancakes are pretty much the food of my childhood. I have so many memories of my uncle standing in my kitchen making pancakes for us, getting half the batter all over the floor and bench top and me and my sisters wolfing them down at a much faster rate than he could produce them. I remember him teaching me how to flip pancakes properly – no spatula required. I remember making pancakes for family friends and one of them running around the dining table with a pancake on his head. I remember having competitions with my sisters over who could eat the most. I remember the first time I tasted a pancake with real maple syrup, not the maple-flavoured stuff. I also know that is just me, not everyone knows people that would wear a pancake as a hat but the point remains – everyone should make pancakes from scratch as least once. They are the easiest things to make, I promise. This recipe is for the novice of all novices – I have not assumed you know anything. Leggy – this recipe goes to you. :)

And so, with no further ado, here is the best and easiest pancake recipe ever…

Best Pancake Recipe Ever
Serves 1-2
Prep time: 10-40mins (depends on whether you let the batter rest)
Cook time: 10mins

You will also need a mug, just a regular one that you have your tea/coffee in

  1. Fill the mug with flour and put it in a bowl (you can sift it, but often I don’t)
  2. Fill the mug with milk and add it to the bowl
  3. Crack the egg into the bowl
  4. Mix until smooth with a whisk, but if you don’t have one, a fork will also work
  5. Optional: let the batter rest for 30mins to make extra flat, smooth pancakes
  6. Heat a dinner-plate sized pan on medium heat and add about a tablespoon of oil
  7. Add a about a ladleful of batter to the pan and swirl it around to coat
  8. When the top begins to become firm and loses it’s sloppiness (about 1-2mins) use a spatula to flip the pancake over
  9. After about 1 minute, take the pancake out, top it with your favourite toppings and eat it! :)

Notes: Don’t forget to re-oil the pan after every 2nd pancake or so and if your pancakes stick, it’s either because your pan is not hot enough or you don’t have enough oil in it. This recipe is also very customisable – you can use whatever milk you want (almond, soy, low-fat, full-fat, skim) and whatever flour (sometimes I make mine with self-raising to get more of a hotcake type of pancake, which is also really good). Oh, and go wild with toppings – try fruit, chocolate, apples cooked in butter and sugar (really good), maple syrup, honey, apple puree, lemon and sugar, etc. The world is now your pancake! :)

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