Some Supernatural Nails

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Hi lovelies,

These are Supernatural inspired nails I did quite a while ago, but I came across just today and thought that it would be a good time to post them, as season nine is coming out.

I just got back into watching it as I had been waaaaaay behind (I'd only seen up to the end of season 7). I'd been sort of putting it off for the longest time because the amount was daunting and it just kept getting more and more, but then my friend began watching it from the beginning and went through all 8 and a bit seasons in 3 weeks. How does she even do that???

Anyway, that gave me the incentive to get back in there and now I'm nearly up to date and had completely forgotten how much I love that show. :)

So, for these I used 'Cherry Brandy' by Continuous Colour and 'My Boyfriend Scales Walls' by OPI.

Until next time, be safe, and don't be the first five minutes of Supernatural.

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