Inspired by a Dress

Thursday 9 January 2014

Hi my lovelies,

Today I got inspired to try a nail design based on something – in this case, it was the dress I was wearing. Isn’t it pretty?

Originally, I was going to post a picture of me wearing it, but there is no one here to take a picture of me and I can’t take very good pictures of myself and so, you will just have to be content with a picture of it on the grass, by itself. :)

Anyway, here are my nails again.


I thought originally that they were really great but now looking at them in a very close-up shot, they look at little messier than I had originally thought. But, no matter – I just have something to improve on for next time. :)

On the whole, I was quite happy with them and I can see where the inspiration comes from, even if my family can’t (Freckles thought I was inspired by the willow crockery we have – as if!).

Sooooo, that’s about it. Hope you like them.

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