Oat Cups!

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Hi hi hi!

I thought it’s high time that I got another post up – it’s been about a week, I think? Although it seems so much longer……

This week has not been one of my better ones… The pressure from school is driving me to breaking point, as is my hunger.

I’m not kidding… I can never get enough food. Apparently this is normal for people recovering from eating disorders and is known as Extreme Hunger, but far out! I really can’t take it any more. At first it was kind of liberating, the idea that I could eat whatever, anything was good, but now I am sooooo over it. Especially because I never, ever feel full. Like ever! I mean, I feel full – as in bursting at the sides cannot ever stand to see food again – but not sated. The only thing I can think of to help describe it is my thought process, which goes kind of like this: ‘Oh my god, food… Disgusting. I feel so gross – I can barely move… Where is my heat pack? Maybe that will soothe my aching stomach… Urghhhhhhhh…. Bleh… … …(5mins later)… Hmmm… I wonder what’s for lunch/dinner/breakfast? Mmmm… Maybe I’ll have an egg on toast. With some wilted spinach… Oh, and definitely lots of pepper. Tasty… Wait, but still… so… full… But SOOO hungry! Ugh, my life sucks. Hurry up and be empty stomach so that I can eat more.’

Crazy, right? Neither my mum nor Opinionated (younger sister, age 15) gets it.

Everything I read seems to say, go with it and eat. But I am running out of ideas of high-calorie, small in volume things to eat. I mean, there is only so much granola, muesli slice and nuts someone can eat! And while I have been suggested to eat lots of things like ice-cream, cakes, biscuits and junk food – I can’t. I just don’t like them. And I know that sounds like my ED, but I’ve never liked them. As a seven year old, I was the crazy kid turning down the cake at birthday parties because it was an ice-cream cake…

And my salads… Oh them salads… I am craving vegies and crisp, green salads full of colourful vegies… But they don’t satisfy me. They fill me up and keep me hungry – damn them skewed hunger/fullness signals. If anyone as any ideas on how to create a delicious salad that is also REALLY high-calorie (preferably without dousing it in dressing) I would be sooooooo grateful! :)

Anyway, here are some little oat cups that I made today that are really tasty. While it didn’t fill me up, it would make a delicious breakfast or mid-morning snack for normal people. Or, if you replaced the yoghurt and honey with condensed milk – they would make excellent mini-cheesecake bases.

The fillings are completely up to you – the original recipe called for jam, yoghurt and fruit and I put stewed rhubarb and apple in one and strawberry yoghurt and peanut butter in the other. But go wild! Choose your own fillings! Banana and chocolate? Philly cheese? Other types of stewed fruit? Whatever takes your fancy. :)


P.S: Anyone wanting to know my intake for today, here goes…. Today I have eaten, so far (it’s now 4:00): 1 wholemeal pita bread with 1 tbl grated cheese, 2 eggs and barbeque sauce, these oat cups, ½ an orange, some honeydew melon, 2 small chocolate eggs, 2 squares of dark chocolate, a peanut butter, jam and banana sandwich, 2 tbl hazelnut butter, ~80g of nuts, beetroot and carrot salad, some green salad, a glass of milk, 2 slices muesli slice, 3 crepes with lemon and sugar, and I’m still hungry! Being energy deficient sucks… :(

Oat Cups (from Including Cake)
Serves 1 (makes 2-3 oat cups)
Cook Time: 2 mins
Prep time: 10 mins

1/3 cup oats
2 tbl flour
3 tbl natural yoghurt
1 tbl honey
Ground cinnamon and vanilla to taste (~1/2 tsp each)

1.    Mix all ingredients to form a dough
2.     Press mixture into 2-3 ramekin dishes (or muffin tins) to completely line them
3.     Cook in microwave for 1-2 minutes until done (or bake for 10 minutes in a 180oC oven)
4.     Allow to cool slightly before filling with; a) 1 tbl stewed fruit, b) 1 tbl strawberry yoghurt and 1 tsp peanut butter, c) a filling of your choice!

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