Do you ever find
that your life is so hectic that when you finally get some time to do something
for yourself, you don’t know what to do? Or is that just me? Either way, it’s
something that is happening more and more to me, and it’s quite worrying. Because
if I don’t know what I like to do anymore, who does?
So, last night I did
have some time for myself. Just for myself. There literally was nothing else
for me to do. Dinner had been made, my room was tidy and everyone was doing
something for themselves. Well, except me. I was standing in the middle of the
room, wringing my hands in desperation as I searched for something to do. Then
I remembered a little wool project that I had tucked away months and months ago
and had never touched again. So I dug it out, dusted it off and spent an hour
with nothing but my wool and my hands. Wool craft is something I used to find
incredibly therapeutic, as for me, it is only when my body is busy that my mind
can relax, and I was pleased to find that crochet still has that same effect on
me and that I hadn’t lost my skills in the 8 months since I had last touched my
A little over an
hour and a half later, I had created both of these little critters and am
thrilled with them both. I’m also really excited about the potential these
little owls have. You could make them bigger and use them as coasters, put them
on cards, make them into badges (as I have) – all sorts of things!
Bonus Question: Do
you have anything that you used to do, and really enjoy, and then just stopped,
for no apparent reason?
Crochet Owl Motif (inspired by Spotlight’s crochet owl pattern)
3.75mm crochet hook
8 ply wool in green,
yellow, pink, blue, black, white and orange/yellow/red
Darning needle
Felt (optional)
Badge pin (optional)
hdc – half double
st – stitch
ch - chain
dc – double crochet
sl st – slip stitch
qle – quadruple
stitch (not sure if this is an actual stitch but I used it away… How to: yarn
over 3 times, hook through stitch, yarn over, pull through (draw up a loop),
yarn over, pull through next 2 stitches, yarn over, pull through next 2
stitches, yarn over, pull through last two stitches on hook)
Using green, make a
magic ring and make 5 hdc (5 st)
2 hdc in each stitch
(10 st)
sl st to next st and
change to yellow (10 st)
ch 2, hdc in same
st, *1 hdc in next st, 2 hdc in next st* repeat 4 times
hdc in next st, sl
st in next st and change to pink (15 st)
ch 2, hdc in same
st, *1 hdc in next st, 2 hdc in next st* repeat 7 times
sl st in next st and
change to blue (23 st)
ch 2, hdc in same
st, *1 hdc in next st, 2 hdc in next st* repeat 11 times
sl st in next st (__
ch 4, 2 qle in same
st, dc in next st, hdc in next __ st, dc in next st, 2 qle in next st, ch 4, sl
sl st into next st.
Eyes (make 2)
Using black, in a
magic ring make 5 dc
sl st to next st and
change to white (5 st)
ch 2, hdc in same
st, 2 dc in next 4 st (10 st)
Making Up
Sew eyes onto body
and using orange/red/yellow wool, sew a ‘v’ between the eyes for beak
For Badge
Cut out an owl shape
from the felt and sew badge pin to felt
Place wrong side of
owl against the wrong side of felt and sew together using blanket stich
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